The EPA (“Eglise Protestante d’Algérie” – the Protestant Church of Algeria) has called for prayer with this message as the church commemorates a sad anniversary:

Thursday, October 15, 2020, it will be one year since the crisis of arbitrary closings of churches in Algeria reached its climax, with the closure of the churches of Tizi-Ouzou (1,200 members) and Makouda (800 members) by the police and the gendarmerie.

 On August 27, a request to reopen places of worship was rejected without apparent reason by the administrative court of Tizi-Ouzou.

Today, 13 churches remain closed and sealed; thus depriving thousands of Christians of their places of worship.

Christians in Algeria are grateful and have been deeply touched by expressions of affection and many messages of encouragement and support sent since the onset of this crisis.

Despite the difficulties and Covid-19, we trust our Lord Jesus Christ and we turn to prayer in order to be peacemakers for our Nation.

This is why we invite you to join us on Sunday October 18, 2020 on the International Day of Prayer for Christians in Algeria.

We pray for the following:

  • The reopening of closed churches.
  • The protection and wisdom of pastors and leaders during this difficult time.
  • The repeal of ordinance 06-03-2006 (regulating non-Muslim religious expressions).
  • An end to intimidation and humiliation of Christian leaders.
  • The Algerian authorities and the Algerians.
  • Thank God for the resilience of Algerian Christians.


The “Eglise Protestante d’Algérie” (the Protestant Church of Algeria)