Iran: Christian converts interrogated and pressured

Iran: Christian converts interrogated and pressured

Iranian Christians request prayer as many Christian converts are being summoned to intelligence offices and put under pressure to abstain from Christian fellowship. Since the end of January, Iranian intelligence officials in Karaj have summoned about a dozen Christian...
Iran: Prison sentences against Christian converts upheld

Iran: Prison sentences against Christian converts upheld

Iranian Christians request prayer after the one-year prison sentences of three Christian converts were upheld on appeal. Brothers Sam and Sasan Khosravi, their wives Maryam and Marjan Falahi, Habib Heydari, Pooriya Peyma and his wife Fatemeh Talebi were arrested in...
North Cyprus: Expatriate Christian targeted in media

North Cyprus: Expatriate Christian targeted in media

Prayer is requested after the home and business of an expatriate Christian in North Cyprus were searched, Bibles and other Christian materials confiscated, and he and another expatriate defamed in the national press. On 27 January, on the pretext of investigating a...
Israel: Church arson leads to call for mutual respect

Israel: Church arson leads to call for mutual respect

Christians in Israel request prayer following a recent arson attempt at the Basilica of All Nations in Gethsemane, Jerusalem. On 4 December, a Jewish extremist entered the church, poured gasoline on the pews and ground, and set it alight. Church guards were quick to...