Oct 2, 2019
Algerian Christians request ongoing prayer as the government campaign against churches continues. On 25 September, officials informed leaders of the church of Tigzirt, a coastal town northeast Algeria in Tizi-Ouzou Province, that their building would soon be closed....
Sep 25, 2019
Friends of Yousef Nadarkhani – a pastor previously sentenced to death for apostasy and presently in Evin prison due to his Christian faith – and his wife Tina Pasandideh request prayer for their sons’ educational situation. Daniel (17) and Yoel (15) are...
Sep 25, 2019
Algerian Christians request prayer as the campaign to close churches continues. On 24 September, the police director of Boghni announced that a church building had been sealed, based on a closure order issued by the Governor of Tizi Ouzou on 18 September. Boghni is...
Sep 24, 2019
Asghar Salehi and Mohammadreza Rezaei, Persian Christian converts from Fars Province, request prayer after they and another Christian convert each received six-month prison sentences on account of their faith and Christian activity. Asghar (43) came out of serious...
Sep 11, 2019
Algerian Christians request prayer as the church continues to face pressure from the authorities. On 8 September, a popular Algerian daily newspaper reported that an order had been sent to regional Governors and security heads, directing them to intensify...