Mar 14, 2018
Christians in Turkey request continued prayer for pastor Andrew Brunson following an official indictment demanding life imprisonment. On 13 March the prosecutor in Izmir province charged Andrew with being a member and leading actor of the terrorist group connected to...
Mar 8, 2018
Iranian Christians are thankful for prayer for the 8 March appeal hearing for Eskandar Rezaie and Suroush Saraie. It was reported that the hearing went well, lasting nearly two hours, and that Eskander and Suroush were given the opportunity to respond to all the...
Mar 6, 2018
Iranian Christians request renewed prayer for the 8 March appeal hearing for Eskandar Rezaie and Suroush Saraie. Both were sentenced on 28 December 2017 to a total of eight years in prison. Both Eskander and Suroush were charged with “acting against national...
Mar 5, 2018
The Bible Society in Israel requests prayer for the next hearing in the court case regarding their bookshop in Tel Aviv. The hearing, which will hopefully be the last, is scheduled for 5 March. The Bible Bookshop and distribution centre in Tel Aviv has been in the...
Feb 24, 2018
Christians in Turkey request prayer for the Armenian Apostolic Church in Turkey following the state’s interference in the election of a new patriarch. As one of Turkey’s officially recognised churches, the Armenian Apostolic Church of Constantinople is subject...