Iran: three more converts detained in Rasht

Iran: three more converts detained in Rasht

Iranian Christians request prayer for six members of the “Church of Iran” – a denomination with an unconventional understanding of the Trinity – after three more converts were recently detained. Iranian security forces arrested Kamal Naamanian, Mohammed Vafada...
Iran: update on court hearing of Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh

Iran: update on court hearing of Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh

We recently requested prayer for Assyrian Christian Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh, facing an appeal hearing on 19 February. She is appealing a five years sentence, handed down on 6 January 2018, for acting against national security and acting against the regime by...
Iran: Christian convert released from Evin Prison

Iran: Christian convert released from Evin Prison

On 13 February MEC requested prayer for Simin Soheili and Yaser, Christian converts being held in Evin Prison, Tehran since 30 January 2019. We are glad to report that Simin was released on 14 February, but the conditions of her release are not known.   On 30...
Iran: update on court hearing of Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh

Iran: Appeal hearing for Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh

Iranian Christians have requested prayer for an appeal hearing, to be held tomorrow (19 February), in the case of Assyrian Christian Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh. On 6 January 2018, Shamiram was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment by Judge Ahmadzadeh of Tehran...
Iran: Christian convert released from Evin Prison

Iran: Arrest and detention of two Christian converts in Tehran

Iranian Christians request prayer for Simin Soheili and Yaser, Christian converts being held in Evin Prison, Tehran since 30 January 2019. On that date Simin and Yaser were summoned separately to the prison for questioning and arrested. Simin has been informed she...