Iran: church leader arrested with unnecessary force

Iran: church leader arrested with unnecessary force

Friends of Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani request prayer following his violent arrest on 22 July. About ten Iranian police officers were involved, using unnecessary force on Yousef and his son, despite their offering no resistance. On 6 July, 2017, Yousef Nadarkhani, along...
Iran: Pastor’s son receives verdict

Iran: Pastor’s son receives verdict

Ramiel Bet Tamraz and a friend have each been sentenced to four months’ imprisonment for “acting against national security” by joining house churches. Judge Ahmadzadeh oversaw the hearing on 18 June and delivered the verdict on 11 July. There is likely to...
Iran: Mohammadali Yassaghi freed from detention

Iran: Mohammadali Yassaghi freed from detention

Friends of Mohammadali Yassaghi (Estifan) praise the Lord for his release from Babol Prison in Mazandaran Province, North Iran. On 1 June MEC requested prayer for Mohammadali, a member of the ‘Church of Iran’, praying that he would be soon freed and able...
Iran: Pastor’s son receives verdict

Iran:court hearing for pastor’s son

Iranian Christians request prayer following a court hearing on 18 June at Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran. Ramiel Bet Tamraz, an Assyrian Christian, and another man, a Christian convert, who has asked for his name to be withheld, were both charged with...
Iran: Arrest and detention of “Church of Iran” member

Iran: Arrest and detention of “Church of Iran” member

Prayer has been requested for Mohammadali Yassaghi, a member of the ‘Church of Iran’, who is being held in Babol Prison in Mazandaran Province, North Iran. The self-styled ‘Church of Iran’ is an Iranian faith movement with a non-conventional...