Aug 4, 2016
Since mid-December Sudan has been detaining three Sudanese Christians. Abdulmonem Abdumawla Issa Abdumawla was detained on 17th December, 2015. The next day two pastors from the Sudan Church of Christ were detained, Kuwa Shamal Abazmam Kurri and Hassan Abduraheem Kodi...
Jul 11, 2016
On 8th July Middle East Concern requested prayer for 14 Christians detained in Sudan the previous day. They had objected to the illegal takeover of the school building on the compound of the Evangelical Church in Bahri in Khartoum. The property had been sold by a...
Jul 8, 2016
Christians in Sudan request prayer for the Evangelical Church in Bahri (also known as Khartoum North). On 7th July the police detained 14 church members, many of them leaders. Even though the prosecutor ordered their release in the evening, as of the afternoon of 8th...
May 26, 2016
On 18th January Middle East Concern reported the release of Pastor Kuwa Shamal of the Sudan Church of Christ. He was detained on 18th December and held for three days. After his release he was required to report to the security service (the NISS) on a daily basis...