Iran: Christian convert family targeted in Bushehr

Iran: Christian convert family targeted in Bushehr

Iranian Christians request prayer for eight Christian converts recently arrested in the city of Bushehr, south-west Iran, seven of whom are still detained. Human rights organization Article 18 reports that on 1 July intelligence agents raided the homes of Christian...

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Iran: Church property confiscated by state

Iran: Church property confiscated by state

Iranian Christians have requested prayer following continued action against the Christian community, including assaults on church property. As a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political rights (ICCPR) the Islamic Republic of Iran is obliged to...

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Iran: sentences of two converts upheld

Iran: sentences of two converts upheld

Iranian Christians request prayer for Saheb Fadaei and Fatimeh Bakhteri, whose prison sentences of 18 and 12 months respectively for "spreading propaganda against the regime" have been upheld by the appeal court. Saheb and Fatimeh are members of the self-designated...

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Algeria: Two Upcoming Court Cases

Algeria: Two Upcoming Court Cases

Christians in Algeria request prayer for two court cases: On 16 May there will be a hearing in the case against the owner of land being used by a church in the Kabylie province of Bejaia. He has been charged with allowing unauthorized worship on his land, violating a...

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Christians and the Changes in Sudan

Christians and the Changes in Sudan

Christians in Sudan have asked for prayer for their country and for the challenges the Christian communities are facing. Leaders representing all Christian communities were invited to meet a committee within the Transitional Military Council (TMC), currently ruling...

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Statement by Rafat Samir Mussad

Statement by Rafat Samir Mussad

Statement by Rafat Samir Mussad, the chair of the Community Council of the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church, read at a demonstration in Khartoum on 14 April, 2019: Firstly, we commend and appreciate those who sacrificed their time, money and even their...

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Palestine: Court hearing due for St Mary’s Coptic Convent

Palestine: Court hearing due for St Mary’s Coptic Convent

In the last two years, MEC has issued several prayer requests for two nuns in St Mary's Coptic Church and Convent in Bethlehem regarding three separate court cases. The nuns request prayer for a court hearing scheduled for 25 March. The court cases relate to attacks...

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Iran: Seven converts in Rasht released on bail

Iran: Seven converts in Rasht released on bail

Iranian Christians are thankful that seven members of the “Church of Iran” who were recently arrested have been allowed release on bail. Hossein Kadivar was the first to be released on Saturday 16 March. On Sunday and Monday, Babak Hosseinzadeh, Behnam Akhlaghi, Kamal...

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Iran: Three more converts arrested in Rasht

Iran: Three more converts arrested in Rasht

Iranian Christians request prayer for three more members of the “Church of Iran” who were arrested in Rasht on 23 February. Officials from the Revolutionary Guards (known as “Sepah”) raided two house churches in Rasht Saturday evening and arrested Babak Hosseinzadeh...

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Iran: three more converts detained in Rasht

Iran: three more converts detained in Rasht

Iranian Christians request prayer for six members of the “Church of Iran” - a denomination with an unconventional understanding of the Trinity – after three more converts were recently detained. Iranian security forces arrested Kamal Naamanian, Mohammed Vafada and...

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