Israel: Excessive force used against Coptic monks

Israel: Excessive force used against Coptic monks

Coptic Christians in the Holy Land have requested prayer following the use of excessive force by Israeli security against monks of the Coptic Patriarchate engaging in a peaceful protest. On 24 October Israeli security forces used unprecedented force against members of...

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Algeria. Another Church Closed by the Authorities

Algeria. Another Church Closed by the Authorities

Christians in Algeria request prayer after the closure of yet another church, in the Kabylie province of Bejaia. The church was sealed by authorities on 16 October. Police officers acted upon a closure order issued by the head of the province. The congregation is in...

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Turkey: arrest of expatriate church worker

Turkey: arrest of expatriate church worker

Christians in Turkey request prayer for an expatriate Christian worker who was arrested, detained overnight and issued with a deportation order. David Byle, a joint U.S. and Canadian citizen, was arrested after a routine I.D. check at Ankara train station on Saturday...

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Turkey: Andrew Brunson Released

Turkey: Andrew Brunson Released

Christians in Turkey are rejoicing at the release of Andrew Brunson from prison and the lifting of travel restrictions to allow his return to the United States. On 12 October Andrew attended the fourth hearing at a court in Aliaga, Izmir, in a trial in which he was...

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Algeria: Four Christians face proselytism charges

Algeria: Four Christians face proselytism charges

Algerian Christians request prayer for four Christians, including three from the same family, who will appear in court on 6 November in Province of Bouira, in the Kabylie region. These Christians are accused of "inciting a Muslim to change his religion” (a criminal...

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Turkey: Upcoming hearing for Andrew Brunson

Turkey: Upcoming hearing for Andrew Brunson

Friends of Andrew Brunson request prayer for the upcoming court hearing on 12 October when Andrew will answer charges related to espionage. Andrew faces charges related to terrorism as well as espionage that could result in a 35-year prison sentence.The indictment is...

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Iran: Two Christian converts receive prison sentences

Iran: Two Christian converts receive prison sentences

Iranian Christians request prayer for Saheb Fadaei and Fatimeh Bakhteri, who have received prison sentences of 18 and 12 months respectively for "spreading propaganda against the regime." Saheb and Fatimeh are members of the “Church of Iran” – a denomination with an...

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Turkey: House arrest for Andrew Brunson

Turkey: House arrest for Andrew Brunson

Andrew Brunson has been released from prison due to health concerns and is now under house arrest. On 25 July the 2nd Criminal Court of Izmir ruled that Andrew could be released from prison and be kept under house arrest, as requested by Andrew and his lawyer. At a...

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Iran: Further arrests in Rasht

Iran: Further arrests in Rasht

Friends of Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Mohammadreza Omidi and Saheb Fadaie request prayer following the arrest of Mohammadreza and Saheb at their homes yesterday evening (24 July) and of Yasser today (25 July). This follows the arrest of their pastor, Yousef Nadarkhani on...

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Iran: church leader arrested with unnecessary force

Iran: church leader arrested with unnecessary force

Friends of Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani request prayer following his violent arrest on 22 July. About ten Iranian police officers were involved, using unnecessary force on Yousef and his son, despite their offering no resistance. On 6 July, 2017, Yousef Nadarkhani, along...

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