Egypt: four Christians killed, threatening video published

Egypt: four Christians killed, threatening video published

Christians in Egypt request prayer after the killing of four Christians in the last three weeks, and after the publication on 19th February of a video calling for further killings. Wa'el Youssef was shot dead by militants in front of his wife and son in his shop in...

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Turkey: court blocks deportation order for Christian worker

Turkey: court blocks deportation order for Christian worker

Christians in Turkey are delighted that the deportation order and entry ban against Christian worker David Byle have been blocked by Turkey’s Constitutional Court. David, with dual US and Canadian citizenship, has been resident in Turkey for 17 years but has faced...

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Iran: update on Firuzkuh Christian converts

Iran: update on Firuzkuh Christian converts

On 13th February MEC requested prayer for Amin Nader Afshar and Hadi Askary, Christian converts in Evin Prison (pictured) in Tehran. We are glad to report that, after a meeting with the Head of the Iran Attorney General’s office, they have ended their hunger strike to...

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Turkey: trial for attempted assassination of pastor

Turkey: trial for attempted assassination of pastor

Christians in Turkey request prayer for the ongoing trial of the defendants implicated in an assassination attempt against a Turkish pastor in 2013. On 16th January 2013 police from the anti-terror squad arrested thirteen people in connection with a plot to...

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Iran: update on Rasht and Firuzkuh Christian converts

Iran: update on Rasht and Firuzkuh Christian converts

Iranian Christians request further prayer for three Christian converts in Rasht, who are appealing against a sentence of 80 lashes for drinking wine at communion, and two Christian converts in Evin Prison, Tehran, who are threatening to go on hunger strike. Yaser...

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Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Christians in Sudan request further prayer for three imprisoned Christians who were sentenced at a court hearing on Sunday 29th January.   The court sentenced Petr Jašek to life in prison for espionage, to six months in prison for spreading rumours that undermine...

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Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Christians in Sudan request prayer for three Christian men who are on trial. Today (Monday 23rd January) the judge was expected to give his verdict in the trial of: Rev. Hassan Abduraheem Kodi Taour; Abdulmonem Abdumawla; and Petr Jašek (a Czech national). However,...

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Algeria: update on Christians imprisoned for blasphemy

Algeria: update on Christians imprisoned for blasphemy

On 8th January a court of appeal in Bouira (100km east of Algiers) in the Kabylie region upheld a conviction for blasphemy against a Christian man and sentenced him to one year’s imprisonment. Samir Chamek (34) has been a Christian since 2005 and comes from a Muslim...

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Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Christians in Sudan request further prayer for three Christians on trial, and for the Bahri Evangelical Church in Khartoum North. At a hearing for the three Christians on Monday, the court heard two defence witnesses give testimony confirming that defendant Abdulmonem...

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Iran: update on Christians in Rasht

Iran: update on Christians in Rasht

Iranian Christians request further prayer for Christian converts in Rasht facing various charges. These converts have also reportedly been threatened by Revolutionary Guards, a branch of the Iranian armed forces effectively under the direct control of the Supreme...

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Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Christians in Sudan are thankful that Rev. Kuwa Shamal Abazmam Kurri (pictured left), the head of the mission office of the Sudan Church of Christ, was released from prison on Monday 2nd January 2017. He is one of four men detained since December 2015 in Khartoum who...

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