Turkey: update on imprisoned pastor Andrew Brunson

Turkey: update on imprisoned pastor Andrew Brunson

An appeal for the release of Andrew Brunson, an American pastor imprisoned in Izmir, has been turned down. On 9th December Andrew Brunson, the pastor of Izmir Resurrection Church, was brought before a court in Izmir for questioning. The court ordered that Andrew be...

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Yemen: update on abducted Salesian priest

Yemen: update on abducted Salesian priest

Christians in the Arabian Peninsula request continued prayer for Father Tom Uzhunnalil, a Salesian priest from India who was abducted in Yemen on 4th March 2016. Father Tom was abducted during a raid by a group of gunmen on a care home near Aden in which sixteen were...

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Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Christians in Sudan appreciate your continued prayer for four men detained since December 2015 and on trial on several charges – some of which could result in the death penalty or life imprisonment. The men are Rev. Hassan Abduraheem Kodi Taour (pictured right), Rev....

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Syria: day of prayer for peace, 18th December

Syria: day of prayer for peace, 18th December

On Sunday 18th December, Syrian Christians from a range of church traditions and denominations will be gathering together in several towns to pray for their war-torn nation. They extend an invitation to the worldwide body of Christ to join them in prayer.  ...

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Turkey: update on detained American pastor

Turkey: update on detained American pastor

On 9th December Andrew Brunson, the pastor of Izmir Resurrection Church who has been detained since early October, was brought before a court in Izmir for questioning. At the hearing the judge referred to allegations that Andrew was connected to the Fetullah Gulen...

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Iran: update on hearing for Christians in Rasht

Iran: update on hearing for Christians in Rasht

On 1st December Middle East Concern requested prayer prior to a second court hearing for Yousef Nadarkhani, Yaser Mosibzadeh, Saheb Fadayee and Mohammed Reza Omidi on charges of action against national security. This hearing took place today (14th December), but no...

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Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Sudan: update on imprisoned Christians

Christians in Sudan request prayer for four men detained since December 2015 and on trial on several charges - some of which could result in the death penalty or life imprisonment. The men are: Rev. Hassan Abduraheem Kodi Taour (pictured right); Rev. Kuwa Shamal...

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Iran: church property in Karaj confiscated

Iran: church property in Karaj confiscated

Iranian Christians are dismayed at the state’s appropriation of a Christian retreat centre in Karaj, near Tehran. The retreat centre, known as the Garden of Sharon, had been the property of the Council of Assemblies of God (AoG) in Iran for forty years. However, two...

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Egypt: bomb attack on Coptic Orthodox Cathedral compound

Egypt: bomb attack on Coptic Orthodox Cathedral compound

On Sunday morning, 11th December, the compound housing the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo was hit by a bomb attack. At 10am local time a bomb exploded in the Church of St. Peter, adjacent to the main Cathedral. At least 25 people have died in the attack and a...

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Iran: update on Christian prisoner Maryam Naghash Zargaran

Iran: update on Christian prisoner Maryam Naghash Zargaran

Those close to Christian prisoner Maryam Naghash Zargaran report that her sentence has been extended by 42 days to make up for time spent outside of prison in conjunction with medical leave. Maryam was arrested in January 2013 in connection with her work on an...

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Iran: Christians request prayer for early trial

Iran: Christians request prayer for early trial

Iranian Christians arrested at a picnic in August rejoice that Amir Sina Dashti has been able to submit bail for his conditional release, but request prayer that there will be no further delay in the judicial process and that their case will be brought to court soon....

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Iran: further court hearings scheduled for Rasht believers

Iran: further court hearings scheduled for Rasht believers

Iranian Christians request prayer prior to a second court hearing for Yousef Nadarkhani, Yaser Mosibzadeh, Saheb Fadayee and Mohammed Reza Omidi on charges of action against national security. Yaser, Saheb and Mohammed Reza were arrested at a house church gathering in...

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