Iran: Christian prisoners in Shiraz denied release

Iran: Christian prisoners in Shiraz denied release

Friends of two imprisoned Iranian Christian believers, Mohammed Roghangir and Massoud Rezai, request prayer for them and their families, as they have been prevented from obtaining early release on good behaviour. Mohammed and Massoud were among seven believers from...

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Turkey: killers of Christians arrested

Turkey: killers of Christians arrested

On 28th September Middle East Concern issued a prayer request after the First Criminal Court of Malatya in Turkey issued a verdict in the Malatya Zirve murder trial, related to the killing of three Christians in Malatya in 2007. The five perpetrators – caught...

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Turkey: verdict given in Malatya trial

Turkey: verdict given in Malatya trial

Today 28th September the First Criminal Court of Malatya issued a verdict in the Malatya Zirve murder trial related to the killing of three Christians in Malatya in 2007. The five perpetrators - caught red-handed at the crime scene - were handed three consecutive life...

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Iran: Christians due to appear in court

Iran: Christians due to appear in court

Iranian Christians request prayer for four Christians belonging to the self-styled "Church of Iran" network who are due to appear in Rasht Revolutionary Court on 15th October charged with “actions against national security”. On 13th May security agents raided the home...

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Iran: update on Christian prisoner

Iran: update on Christian prisoner

Friends of Christian prisoner Maryam Naghash Zargaran report that her medical leave has been cancelled and she has returned to Evin Prison in Tehran. Maryam was arrested in January 2013 in connection with her work on an orphanage with the Christian ex-prisoner Saeed...

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Iran: court hearing for Christians arrested in May

Iran: court hearing for Christians arrested in May

Iranian Christians request prayer for four Christian converts from Muslim backgrounds who have been charged with action against national security. Three are due to appear in Rasht Court tomorrow (10th September) to face additional charges related to their Christian...

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Algeria: blasphemy appeal verdict

Algeria: blasphemy appeal verdict

During August Middle East Concern issued prayer requests for Slimane Bouhafs (49), an Algerian Christian man who on 6th August was convicted of blasphemy against Islam and its Prophet. He was fined heavily and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment - the maximum...

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Iran: update on Christian prisoner

Iran: update on Christian prisoner

Friends of Christian prisoner Maryam Naghash Zargaran are pleased to report that Maryam has been allowed home on medical furlough. Maryam, who was previously granted medical furlough for a range of health issues in June 2016, returned to Evin Prison, Tehran on 27th...

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Iran: Christians arrested at picnic

Iran: Christians arrested at picnic

The families and friends of five Iranian Christians arrested during a picnic and fishing expedition are deeply concerned for their welfare and are requesting prayer. On Friday 26th August Ramiel Bet Tamraz (pictured), Amin Nader Afshar, Hadi Askary, Mohamad Dehnay and...

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Algeria: update on Christian in blasphemy case

Algeria: update on Christian in blasphemy case

On 5th and 8th August Middle East Concern sent out prayer requests from Algeria for Slimane Bouhafs (49), a Christian man who has been given a heavy fine and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment - the maximum punishment for blasphemy against Islam and its Prophet....

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Sudan: update on detained church leaders

Sudan: update on detained church leaders

Christians in Sudan have requested further prayers for four church leaders detained by the Sudanese authorities. The trial of the four Christians has now begun, and the second court hearing was held on Monday 22nd August. As expected, the four have been charged with...

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Algeria: update on Christian in blasphemy case

Algeria: update on Christian in blasphemy case

On 5th August Middle East Concern distributed a prayer request for a Christian man in Algeria arrested on 31st July and accused of blasphemy against Islam. Slimane Bouhafs (49) had published a message on social media about the light of Jesus overcoming the lie of...

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