Sudan: Court hearing for Christians accused of apostasy

Sudan: Court hearing for Christians accused of apostasy

Four Christians in Darfur accused of apostasy will have their first court hearing on 30 August. The prosecutor and investigator will present evidence, after which the judge will decide whether to continue the case or acquit the defendants. The four were arrested on 22...

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Iran: Convert couple detained in Evin Prison

Iran: Convert couple detained in Evin Prison

Iranian Christians request prayer for Homayoun Zhaveh and his wife Sara Ahmadi who were detained on 13 August after being summoned to Evin Prison in Tehran. Initially arrested by Iranian intelligence in June 2019. Homayoun was released after a month, but Sara spent 67...

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Iran: Applications from Christian prisoners being refused

Iran: Applications from Christian prisoners being refused

Iranian Christians request prayer for Iranian Armenian Anooshavan Avedian and Christian convert Abbas Souri after their request for a retrial was refused, and also for Christian convert Fariba Dalir, whose application for conditional release or leave from prison has...

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Sudan: Four men accused of apostasy 

Sudan: Four men accused of apostasy 

On 22 June, 2022, a building belonging to a Baptist Church in Zallingei, Darfur, was raided. Four Christians were detained and some of the church’s property confiscated (including Bibles and technical equipment). The four young believers were beaten and mistreated...

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Sudan: Court case dismissed against church leaders     

Sudan: Court case dismissed against church leaders     

On 27 June, a judge dismissed a public nuisance complaint against two church leaders filed under Article 77 of the 1991 penal code.  The case was brought after the men led a Bible study on 14 June, 2022 in a Baptist church centre in Khartoum. They were detained for...

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Israel: Sderot Municipality takes Messianic ministry to court

Israel: Sderot Municipality takes Messianic ministry to court

Prayer is requested for a ministry caring for the needy in Sderot, near Gaza, and its associated Messianic congregation as they face two court cases started by the municipality and opposition from ultra-orthodox Jews. City of Life Ministries (CLM) rent a large space...

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Iran: Prayer requested for health of Christian prisoner

Iran: Prayer requested for health of Christian prisoner

Iranian Christians request prayer for Christian convert Naser Navard Goltapeh, whose health is suffering in prison. Naser has suffered from various ailments, but most recently has hearing problems in his left ear and loses his balance when walking. He was recently...

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Sudan: Two church leaders arrested   

Sudan: Two church leaders arrested   

On 14 June, during a Bible study held at a center belonging to the Independent Baptist Church, a pastor and another leader were detained for four hours before being released on bail, accused of public nuisance offence under Article 77 of the 1991 penal code. The...

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Sudan: Three believers in Darfur request prayer

Sudan: Three believers in Darfur request prayer

Church leaders working among Muslims request prayer for three men in Darfur being pressured by their families due to their conversion to Christianity. A. is a 20 year old man whose family has discovered that he is a Christian. He reads the Bible and belongs to a home...

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Sudan: Hearing for couple facing adultery charges

Sudan: Hearing for couple facing adultery charges

Prayer is requested for a Sudanese couple, Hamouda and Nada,  converts from Islam charged with apostasy, who are facing a possible 100 lashes and a year in internal exile. Their marriage was forcibly dissolved due to their conversions, however they have returned to...

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North Cyprus: Court hearing in ongoing trial 

North Cyprus: Court hearing in ongoing trial 

On 7 June a hearing is scheduled for Ryan Keating in Famagusta for allegedly illegally importing Bibles and Christian literature. The materials were confiscated in a raid by political division police and customs officials on his business premises in January 2021. The...

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Sudan: Update on convert couple facing adultery charges

Sudan: Update on convert couple facing adultery charges

At a court hearing on 12 May,  a pastor explained that, according to Christian marriage laws, Hamouda and Nada, both converts to Christianity, remain married despite being forced to divorce in an Islamic court. The pastor was the sole witness heard. Hamouda and Nada...

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